In cleaning our office and organizing our files recently, we rediscovered some old projects and beautiful sketches that had been waiting quietly in our cabinets to be viewed once more. We'll be sharing some of what we found on here and our social media every month or so for a while, so set back and enjoy what we found, such the colorful and fun design for a bus shelter from a Fort Sanders neighborhood plan from the 1980s, seen above.

Check out these two lovely ink sketches on velum - one of a street in Fort Sanders and the other of some unknown but well-cultivated community garden!

This gorgeous (and 80's-colored) land use study of the Fort gives us a glimpse of what was happening in the popular Knoxville neighborhood just north of campus 34 years ago in 1988. We're curious to see how much has changed and how much has remained since this map was made!

This old plan from 1997 for Crestwood Hills Park had three options to it: Passive, Formal, and Natural, all which emphasized different ways the park could be structured for various focuses. On the left, you can see the Passive option, where the large open space is developed as a meadow to play and gather; not quite a sports field, but more than just a natural wilderness area. According to the plan, our volunteer advisor for the project was Donna Young, and it was drawn by Emily Lingerfelt.
That's all we have for now, but keep your eyes peeled all of 2022 as we share more old sketches and projects from our files!